
Artist Painting

Janelle Barela, Art Teacher

This month in the art room, students learned about International Dot Day and created art
inspired by the book The Dot written by Peter H. Reynolds. International Dot Day is a global
celebration of creativity, courage, and collaboration. It began when teacher Terry Shay
introduced his classroom to Peter H. Reynolds’ book The Dot on September 15th, 2009 and has
been celebrated every year, on the same day. All students continue to work on their drawing skills by following these Elements of Art: Line, Shape, Form, Space, and Value.

Dot Art by 2nd & 3rd grades2nd/3rd grade:
Created Art for Dot Day by using oil pastel, watercolors, and markers to create an array of
colorful dots. They were cut out and displayed together in the cafeteria.

4th Grade:
Created Art for Dot Day by using colorful sharpies, fabric, and isopropyl alcohol to create tie dye dots.4th grade art
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